I would like to convey my thanks to your company for the professional approach and quick response to our call, it set the customer at ease that we could respond so quickly especially as he had called a supplier on their books and couldn’t get a definite response as to when they could get one.
Midlands Power Networks Ltd
Just a quick email to say many thanks for sending Andy to site at such short notice. As usual Andy was brilliant, explaining things to my management and to one of the electrical managers that was on site to investigate the power down.
His calm and assured explanation of the issue and the positive way he dealt with the units and brought them back on-line is a credit to CPS.
Durham County Council
The generator has arrived and I just wanted to thank you for sorting it so quickly and say your driver has been fantastic and most helpful as always.
J Wareing & Son (Wrea Green) Ltd
Thanks for pulling out all the stops and going above and beyond for this one. It’s really appreciated so please pass on my thanks to all involved.
NHS University Hospitals Morecambe Bay Trust
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for the speedy response to our generator hire requirement yesterday afternoon/evening.
The location for the generator was less than ideal for your operative to get into however he persevered and got it in there albeit a long delivery and late finish.
Once again, a very speedy, professional and reasonably priced job.